How it Works
We put you in touch with the best videographers near your booking!
Got a booking you're speaking at? Awesome 😃 get a videographer now to film you!
Find a videographerCreate your free account
to see the videographers you can hire!
Use our map search
to find a videographer local to your booking!
Get filmed!
Speak with your chosen videographer on our site to arrange to come and film you!
1,2,3 easy steps!
Find out everything you need to know and more about how our website works.
Use the FilmMeSpeaker Marketplace to find a videographer to hire today!
Find a videographerI'm a videographer myself and want to be listed on your site
Great, we'd be happy to have you on board 😊 simply click the button "I'm a video/photographer" at the top of this page, include the area where you are and you'll be ready for hire.
How does the payment work?
Once you've found a videographer you like, you make payment on our site, which we'll keep in something called an 'escrow account'. Then once you are satisfied with the delivery on the videographers work, only then will we release the funds to them.
I can't find a videographer near my booking?
No problem! Drop us an email at: or contact us on our social media channels and we'll happily help you find one 😊
I have the footage, but what now?
Awesome, glad your booking went well! Now, why not use the video editors on our site to handle your footage! Whether that is to have it edited/snipped into social media reels or to have the footage posted as a complete video online!
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